Sergio Huleani

Software Developer

About Me

Hi, I'm Sergio. I'm a former academic researcher now transitioning into tech. I discovered coding through automating experimental results with R scripts and quickly fell in love with its creative problem-solving potential. That spark led me to the School of Code, where I'm building on my scientific foundation with new technical skills. I also mentor young learners through JAM Coding, sharing my passion for tech and inspiring the next generation. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me next!


Experimental Design Matrix Generator

A commissioned web app for researchers and scientists to create and manage experimental design matrices.

ReactNext.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSS

Tasty Ten

A full-stack recipe finder app that helps users discover new meals based on selected ingredients.

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSReact-Bootstrap


JavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsNode.jsExpressPostgreSQLGitCI/CDAgile Methodologies

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